Atemberaubend Kirgisistan
Entdecke Kirgisistan. Wer die Berge liebt, liebt Kirgisistan und die Seidenstraße, mit beeindruckenden Panoramen und besonders freundlichen Einwohnern. Die Berge von Kirgisistan sind ein Outdoor-Paradies auf Erden: rein, sauber, herrlich und voll frischer Luft. Dort wohnen Nomaden, die Sie in ihren Jurten empfangen. Sie zeigen Ihnen gerne ihre alten Traditionen und lassen Sie das Beste sehen, was das Land zu bieten hat. Entdecken Sie ihre phänomenalen Reitkünste und staunen Sie über das lebenslange Band zwischen Mensch und Adler.
Lesen Sie mehr im Bradt travel guide on Kyrgyzstan.
Die Sprache auf diese Reise ist Englisch. Hierunter geht es dann auch weiter auf Englisch.
From Bishkek into the mountains
You land in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan’s capital, a textbook example of Soviet urban planning, where you will stay in a comfortable 4-star hotel. On the day of your arrival we will do a brief tour of the city to give you your first taste of Kyrgyzstan.
The next day, after a good night’s sleep and an excellent breakfast, you will get the keys for your 4×4. You’re here for Kyrgyzstan’s nature, so we leave soon heading West to the Toktogul water reservoir on an amazing road over the Tue Ashuu pass at an altitude of 3000 meters. We literally start on a high.
Over the following days you will have the chance to dip your toe in lake Son Kul, altitude 3013 meters, drive along the Silk Road, altitude 3200 meters, and, to top it all, drive over the Tosor pass at 3950 meters.
Where there are mountains, there are gorges. You will see them from above and drive through them, at one time seemingly even through two simultaneously. This is where Semenovskoye and Grigorievskoye gorges meet: you drive into the one and out of the other.
Tash Rabat Caravanserai
In the heart of the Tian Shan mountains the Tash Rabat Caravanserai has been built into a mountainside, one of the most interesting sites in Central Asia. It contradicts the idea that Kyrgyzstan has only mountains and lakes to offer. It’s a 15th century stone building with 31 rooms where travellers and merchants could shelter on one of the roughest sections of the Silk Road. Its location is far away from anything resembling civilisation, both then and now. It’s probably the most authentic feeling you can get of the Silk Road.
Horse riding and eagle hunting
Kyrgyzstan has a great horse riding tradition. To see the country from the back of a horse is a special experience. We offer you the opportunity to do it yourself for a whole morning, feel like a nomad, meet the locals and be one with your surroundings.
The tradition of hunting with eagles goes back to the 12th century when the Mongols invaded the area. The art is slowly becoming extinct as fewer young people are willing to be trained, traditionally by their father, to become a skilled hunter. The need to hunt with an eagle to feed a community is not so great anymore either.
Tourism is an important factor to maintain the tradition. Your interest makes the art of hunting with an eagle viable again. We have arranged a display for you where the eagle hunter will show the amazing skills of his bird, only possible because of the intimate relationship they have with one another. We support responsible tourism. The eagle you will see here can hunt, will survive in the wild when it is released at the age of 15 and will breed. This is unlike the eagles you sometimes see displayed by the side of the road, which are held illegally, cannot hunt and will die if released.
From the Tash Rabat we drive to Naryn. We are deep into rural Kyrgyzstan now and are likely to encounter horse riders with their herds and the present day way of transporting a yurt.
But we will also sleep in a refined hotel on the shore of Lake Issyk Kul.
Discovering history
We round off our tour with some history. We visit Burana Tower, an 11th century minaret surrounded by stone warriors, called Balbans. A guided tour of Bishkek will give you a taste of this pleasant city. Just like the travellers of old along the Silk Road, you can have a rest and let your mid go back to what you’ve experienced in this fascinating country.
We end the journey in a outdoor restaurant with a delicious meal.
One of the best ways to discover Kyrgyzstan, get to know its people and their way of life is by spending the evening and nights in homestays, guesthouses and yurts. We will be in a homestay once, twice in a yurt and three times in a guest house, which leaves two times in a hotel (four-star).
Interior of a yurt:
Praktische Informationen
Die Strecke:
Sie verbringen 13 Tage in Kirgisistan, einschließlich Ankunfts- und Abfahrtstag. Die 4×4-Tour ist etwa 1.700 Kilometer lang, davon 1.250 km unbefestigte Straßen und Staubstraßen. Eine der besten Möglichkeiten, Kirgisistan zu entdecken, ist es, die Bevölkerung und ihre Lebensweise kennen zu lernen. Deshalb schlafen wir zweimal zu Hause bei Bewohnern, dreimal in einer Jurte und viermal in einem Gästehaus. Die anderen zwei Nächte übernachten wir in einem 4-Sterne-Hotel.
Am 1. September, deiner erste Tag dieser Reise, organisieren wir nachmittags eine Tour in Bischkek. Um dies ausgeruht zu beginnen, empfehlen wir, am 31. August in Bischkek anzukommen.
Für eine detaillierte Reisbeschreibung, Klicke hier (Englisch): 13 Tage Kirgizstan
Im Preis enthalten
Die Preise verstehen sich pro Person und auf der Grundlage von Unterkunft in einem Doppelzimmer und zwei Personen in je einem 4×4, einschließlich:
- Alle Unterkünfte
- Frühstück, Mittag- und Abendessen
- Kulinarischem Abendessen in Bischkek am letzten Abend
- Miete eines 4×4-Fahrzeugs
- Kraftstoff
- Zugang zu allen Museen
- Adlershow
- Quellwasser während der Fahrt
- Englisch sprechendem Guide
- Unterstützungsauto mit Chauffeur.
Nicht enthalten im Preis:
- Flug nach und von Kirgisistan
- Freikauf Selbstbeteiligung (Vollkasko) 30 € pro Tag/pro Auto
- Pferdesport
- Andere, hier nicht genannte Shows, die Sie besuchen wollen
- Persönliche Ausgaben
- Alkoholische Getränke.
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